
Dilemma Of Educational Ethics Summary

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Educators and policy makers, most often teachers, confront challenging questions of ethics, justice and equity on a regular basis. There are however, opportunities and resources to help them think through the ethical issues that are at stake and need to be solved. The book Dilemmas of Educational Ethics by Meira Levinson and Jacob Fay introduces a new approach for teachers to use to attempt to achieve practical wisdom in their educational workplaces, one that honours the complexities inherent in educational decision making. It also encourages teachers to discuss their values and principles in an open environment.
Summary of the dilemma
The dilemma I have chosen focuses on a young girl named Kate who suffered from behavioural …show more content…

Kate couldn’t handle the conflict. It caused her too much stress. She did not want to put her own opinion forward because she was afraid of being put on the spot, but she did not want to change groups either, because then she would have to start all over again, after she had worked so hard to get to the class in the first place. At this point, Kate was close to having a meltdown and her teacher Ms Brown was presented with an ethical dilemma, that she only had a short time to get herself out of. What should she do, when whatever she chooses could have serious consequences? Should Ms Brown send Kate to the Think Room? Should she scrap her lesson plan altogether and come up with something different? Should she get the boys to present the reasons for their arguments to Kate, and have her make the final judgement to end the debate? Or should she move one of the boys to another group, to reduce the risk of more conflict? (Livinson & Faye, 2016)
One-day Kate’s class was studying rocks in a science lesson. During a group exercise, the two boys Kate was working with had a passionate argument about whether one of the rocks was igneous or metaphoric. Kate couldn’t handle the conflict, it caused her too much stress. She did not want to put her own opinion forward because she was afraid of being put on the spot, but she did not want to change groups either, because then she would have to start all

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