
Direct Study 5 Essay

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Chapter 1
4. Discuss examples of recent macro political risk events and the effect they have or might have on a foreign subsidiary. What are micro political risk events? Give some examples and explain how they affect international business.
5. What means can managers use to assess political risk? What do you think is there lative effectiveness of these different methods? At the time you are reading this,what countries or areas do you feel have political risk sufficient to discourage you from doing business there?
6. Can political risk be “managed”? If so, what methods can be used to manage such risk, and how effective are they? Discuss the lengths to which you would go to manage political risk relative to the kinds of returns you would …show more content…

Chapter 5
1. Discuss the stages in the negotiation process and how culturally-based valuesystems influence these stages. Specifically, address the following: * Explain the role and relative importance of relationship-building in different countries. * Discuss the various styles and tactics that can be involved in exchanging task-related information. * Describe differences in culturally- based styles of persuasion. * Discuss the kinds of concession strategies a negotiator might anticipate in various countries.

2. Discuss the relative use of nonverbal behaviors, such as silent periods, interruptions, facial gazing, and touching, by people from various cultural backgrounds. How does this behavior affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context?
4. What are some of the differences in risk tolerance around the world? What is the role of risk propensity in the decision- making process?
5. Explain how objective versus subjective perspectives influences the decision-making process. What role do you think this variable has played in all the negotiations conducted and decisions made by Iraq and the United Nations?
6. Explain differences in culturally- based value systems relative to the amount of control a person feels he or she has over future outcomes. How does this belief influence the decision- making process?

Chapter 6
3. Discuss the ways in which managers arrive at new strategic directions— formaland informal.

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