
Directives And Regulations Are Forms Of Secondary Eu Legislation

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Directives and Regulations are forms of secondary EU legislation. Directives are binding and lay down results to be achieved by the Member States. However it is up to each Member State to create or adapt their legislations to meet the requirements by the specified date in the Directive. Regulations are binding legislative Acts which are directly enforceable in all Member States and are applied in full. The Regulation will specify a date in which it will be enforced (The Open University (OU), 2017a, 2.2).
There are a few differences between Directives and Regulations. Directives can be seen as an order listing objectives while Regulations are rules. Furthermore, Directives are addressed to national authorities who must then take …show more content…

• Paragraph 1 – U6 – 7.1/U10 – 3.2
- Definition of courts of first instance and examples.
- Magistrates Courts/Judges
• Paragraph 2 – U10 – 2.3
- County Courts
• Paragraph 3 – U6 – 7.1
- Appellate Courts
- Supreme Court
• Paragraph 4 –U10 – 3.3
- Crown Courts
- Appeals from Magistrates Courts
• Paragraph 5 – U10 – 2.5
- High Courts/Three Divisions
- Examples
• Paragraph 6 - U10 – 6/3.4
- The Court of Appeals/Two Divisions
- Appeals
• Paragraph 7–U10-4
- Supreme Court
- Judges
• Conclusion
- Overlapping classifications

The justice system exists to uphold the rule of law, to provide equal protection for citizens, a place to resolve disputes and to enforce laws. The courts have three classifications, criminal and civil, inferior and superior, courts of first instance and appellate courts. These classifications overlap when differentiating courts.
The phrase courts of first instance refers to the courts where legal proceedings are first heard. For example, Magistrate Courts, County Courts, The Crown Courts and the High Courts. Different types of cases will be heard in different courts. For example all criminal proceedings will be first heard in the Magistrate Courts but if the case is more serious it will be sent to the Crown Court. (OU, 2017c, 7.1). The Magistrate Courts may also deal with certain civil proceedings such as granting licenses. Cases in the Magistrate Courts are heard by a

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