
Dirt For Dinner

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One of the most interesting and complicated experiences one can have is the experience of moving from one country to another. More specifically, the country of one’s home to a completely foreign place. Although this is very specific to immigrants, their children also typically experience this phenomenon of merging two cultures within one person. This is mostly due to the fact that those children grow up in one culture at home while being exposed to another culture and way of life simultaneously in their present environment. In particular, the experience of being Afro-German is one often overlooked, yet is incredibly fascinating as one begins to explore the intricacies relating to the merging and clashing of two different cultural backgrounds and vernaculars, which in turn create a narrative unique to those children of two worlds. Nigerian filmmaker Branwen Okpako explores these particular narratives in her social documentary films, Dirt for Dinner and The Education of …show more content…

Dirt for Dinner focuses on the story of Sam Meffire, an East Germany-born half-Cameroonian, half-German man. Meanwhile, The Education of Auma Obama focuses on the story of Auma Obama, US President Barack Obama’s half-sister who grew up in Kenya and later went to school in Germany. Both films do not solely use the narratives of the person of interest; instead, they provide multiple perspectives through interviews and stories told by friends and family of Meffire and Obama. Okpako’s use of varied narrators allows viewers to gain a wider understanding of the lives and backgrounds of the central characters, instead of focusing on one narrative, which would confine the story to one of a limited point of view. This stylistic choice allows both documentaries to hold more historical weight, especially in the uplifting and highlighting of overlooked Afro-German and post-colonial African voices. Okpako raises the question

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