
Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Better Essays

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (D.D.A.) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability. It encourages everyone to be involved in implementing the Act and to share in the overall benefits to the community and the economy that flow from participation by the widest range of people (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.).
The purpose of this Act is to protect all those living in Australia with a disability against discrimination. It protects the individuals with disability as well as any family members, carers or any other individual associated with the person from being discriminated against.

Disability Standards for Education 2005
A primary objective of the Standards is to make rights and …show more content…

Teachers need to be flexible in how students learn and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. For example, if a student is having trouble keeping up with written work, the student could accomplish a similar learning objective through a different method.
The challenges and barriers identified for teachers are directed at meeting the individual needs of their students. The lack of time and the need for more expertise in the area are a matter of concern for students with dyslexia. Lack of teacher training and expertise creates difficulties when considering the importance of teachers to be able to create Individualised Learning Programs which will effectively accommodate these learning difficulties.
Other barriers to inclusive education which some teachers face are lack of time, large classes, lack of modified instructional materials, lack of teacher aides or assistant teachers and lack of access to technology such as internet and laptops which can be particularly beneficial to students with dyslexia.

Students …show more content…

These opportunities have been documented and a study by Fitch (2003) revealed that students who were educated in segregated classrooms all their lives, strongly identified with feeling like an outsider, were embarrassed or ashamed and wanted to escape their special setting. Students reported feelings of resignation as being stupid and not smart enough for regular classrooms. On the other hand, students educated in inclusive settings constructed a confident sense of themselves and reported feeling that they learned more, made more friends and had much higher levels of self-concept and self-esteem (Fitch,

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