
Disability Reflection Paper

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As kids, we are all taught the same basic lessons, don’t stare, don’t steal, and don’t cheat. Looking back at how I saw people with disabilities being judged, treated, and how people made fun of them always scared me. Many questions popped in my head, such as, what if that was me? How could I handle that? When I was in seventh grade, my worst nightmare came true. I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), which means my nerves were sending impulses to my brain, saying I’m in some of the worst pain, worse than childbirth, when in turn there was nothing causing pain or an injury to my left foot. Being diagnosed with a disability really affected how I saw myself and how I imagined other people saw me. It all began with a simple broken foot. This was my first broken bone, I got the green cast, signatures, and the special treatment. Once my six weeks were up, I was glad to be walking and able to play volleyball again. That very same day, I fell in a small hole hole and broke the same foot, in the same spot. They proceeded to put an air cast on my foot. Once again, i was happy to be back after six more weeks, but once I was out of the cast and swore to never break my foot again, I was faced with an obstacle. I was experiencing some of the worst pain in my life. After about one week of this pain, my mother finally agreed to take me back to the doctor who diagnosed me with a broken foot. I headed up to the Baptist Hospital, where I would undergo many tests, such

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