
Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented Programming Languages

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Object-oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands… between developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid these. It’s more familiar than structured language. History • SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations. • Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK • To create DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk …show more content…

Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract & non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn’t be inside a abstract class. An abstract method doesn’t have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can’t create abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){ System.out.println("red"); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static void main(String

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