
Disadvantages Of Gadgets

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I.) Thesis Statement In Our modern technology today, many students have more attention to their electronic gadgets than their family and other relatives which affects the attitude of an individual. This is very alarming to student’s who needs focus on other aspects of their lives emotionally and mentally. On the other hand, this would help them improve their personally as long as they have discipline and limitations. Also using mobile phone has advantages and disadvantages to students. II.) Introduction There is a saying that everything should be balanced. Too much and lack of components would be bad if doesn’t given …show more content…

Sleep orders are caused because of the constant use of the gadgets. c.) Dry Eyes-. The constant strain leads to a dry eye which in turn leads to multiple eye infections. Radiations of the gadgets are bad to our eyes. It can give us pain or low seeing in our eyes. So we must use our mobile phone and gadgets in right time in the right place. d.) Hearing Problems- Especially, if you love music in your mobile phone and when you are using an earphone, it can cause our hearing to get low and also to make our ears be pain when you are actually using it every time. e.) Cancer- Ionizing radiation is a cancer causing agent. This radiation leads to cancer like leukemia, skin, thyroid, breast and stomach cancer. f.) Stress- Stress is developed with every gadget you use to communicate. Most of the students are stressed not just in their studies, it’s also because of the mobile phone and gadgets they use. It can make them be addicted to games and other websites and forgot the activity what they need to do. In short it is called procrastination. V.) Research

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