
Discipleship Of Mark And Gospel Of Matthew

Decent Essays

While reading the bible or excerpts from it, you might be asking yourself many questions. In many ways the “Gospel of Mark” and “Gospel of Matthew”, will leave you wondering? Three main points at which will be explained in some verses. As they are; what are the roles of the people involved, what can the events say about discipleship in Christianity, and what do these events say about what it means to be human. We will see one event from Mark and two from Matthew that will go more in depth with what was said before. All of these events will better explain many points behind what many others wonder. In the Gospel Mark, we see a particular event in chapter four, verse forty were Jesus ask a particular question to men on a boat with him in the middle of a storm. The event starts off in Chapter four as Jesus begins to teach a crowd of people by the sea (Mark, 4:1). Concluding his speech, Jesus noticed evening drawing upon and insisted they cross the river to the other side (Mark, 4:35). A few men took Jesus across, as other boats followed along. While crossing the sea we find Jesus “stern” (Mark, 4:38) asleep on a cushion, unaware of what is happening at sea. As the boat begin to fill with water from the waves breaking over the boat caused from a storm coming upon the men. Scared with horror or sinking, the men amongst the boat soon awake Jesus fast asleep to ask him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark, 4:38). Jesus begin the son of God, rebukes the wind

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