Discipline in the Classroom: Past and Present
Throughout the history of classroom education, many different types of disciplinary systems have been applied by teachers and other authority figures in schools for the sole purpose of controlling student behaviour. These systems include corporal punishment, psychological abuse or neglect, and assertive discipline. Although two of these three topics are illegal at this time, they were all widely used in schools across the country a short time ago.
Corporal punishment in general can be defined as the infliction of pain or confinement as a penalty for an offense committed by a student. During the time that corporal punishment was used by schools all over the United States and
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Physical abuse accounts for only 20% of the total psychological damage left on abused children. There were many things that were done to children by their classroom teachers that had a far worse result on the student than any physical abuse would ever have. The most common of these is constant humiliation. It was not uncommon for teachers in the past to repeatedly criticize and laugh at a particular students disability, or even creativity for the main reason of punishing the student for a minor offense. Teacher's did this by often reading a student's personal journal to the whole class, reading a students grades, and most often apprehending and degrading the student about his or her appearance, family, or school work in front of the whole class. This kind of humiliation is difficult to take even as an adult, never mind a ten year old child. As a result of this so called "punishment", many students who were constantly embarrassed and degraded over a long period of time suffered from psychological abnormalities such as insomnia, nightmares, and even schizophrenia. Another such psychological "punishment" used by teachers was seclusion. This is not to be confused with the idea of suspension, or removal from class. Seclusion often meant locking misbehaved children up in to small dark closets, or damp dark basements for long periods of time. In one specific case, an eleven year old child who slipped and fell while walking down the hall, was put
I approached the teacher before their next lesson and explained how the children took time to process instructions and that if they were laughing and joking about it would take afew minutes to calm down and get focused on what was required next. The teacher glared at me and then very
While reading Journal 1 of The Alternative and reflecting on the assignment giving, memories of teachers flooded through my mind. I am unabashed to admit that I believed some teachers to be poor at their job, and have more than once thought that perhaps this wasn’t the correct career path for them. One such teacher was my 7th and 8th grade science teacher, who believed public shaming to be the preferable way of teaching adolescents. When a student would answer a question wrong in class he couldn’t help but laugh as well as bring it up throughout the lesson, refusing to let the student move past their mistake. He chose to
I am a 5th grade teacher at Mill Creek. I teach math, science, social studies, reading, and writing!
humiliated in front of your peers, especially by a teacher. Doing everything in your power not to
Those of you that have been to school probably remember having to follow the rules or else you would have to face the wrath of the discipline policy. While it is true that the discipline policy that is used in Noble schools is effective, I believe that the discipline policy that should be used at K.M.S. is the policy used at Urban Prep Academies which reward students for good behavior instead of punishing them for misbehavior. The reason I choose this discipline policy is because the other discipline plan hurts low-income families, the other discipline plan is too harsh, and this policy is more productive.
In her article, “School’s Discipline for Girls Differs by Race and Hue (2014),” Tanzina Vega emphasises and addresses the issue of societal racism by sharing with the reader the personal experiences of young African American girls within the school disciplinary system in the United States. Through examining these girls experiences, it becomes apparent that societal racism, or racism that is overwhelmingly and systemically prevalent and entrenched in all aspects of American society, unfairly subjects minorities to varying forms of prejudice and injustice. A claim that is reinforced by the article “Letter to my Son” by Ta-Nehisi Coates as well as the Ted Talk “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimananda Ngozi Adichie. Similar to the article by Vega, both Coates and Adichie also address societal racism by sharing their personal experiences and exploring the negative effects, such as stereotyping, discrimination, and profiling, it can have on those who are subjected to it, leaving the reader with the mindset, conviction, and motivation that a form of fundamental and systemic change must be undertook to end societal racism and discrimination in the United States.
Public Law 94-142: The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, now called Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requires states to provide free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for every child regardless of disability. This federal law was the first to clearly define the rights of disabled children to receive special education services if their disability affects their educational performance. A parent of a special education student also has basic rights under IDEA including the right to have their child evaluated by the school district and to be included when the school district meets about the child or makes decisions about his or her education. If a child is identified as in need of special education
ADVISE ON EFFECTIVE WAYS OF IMPROVING CLASS DISCIPLINE AND LEARNER’S PERFOMANCE AT RABONNI CHRISTIAN SCHOOL,BRITS (MADIBENG DISTRICT). INTRODUCTION Rabboni Christian School (my school) should provide students with the educational foundation to build successful, independent lives. Classroom disruptions interfere with student achievement. Teachers must maintain discipline to create an effective learning environment. A combination of methods used in a consistent and fair manner typically offers the best approach to classroom discipline. Discpline is providing an environment in which positive teaching and positive learning can occur simultaneously. Discipline is not control from the outside; its order from within. BODY Teachers at my school should have a holistic approach in addressing discipline and learner performance. This can be achieved as a
Many people today are getting arrested for simply disciplining a child. But, in older times disciplining a child set good moral standards and taught that child on what that child was supposed to do and what not to do. There is a fine line between abuse and discipline. So what is child abuse? Child abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical or emotional health and development. Child abuse includes any damage done to a child which cannot be reasonably explained and which is often represented by an injury or series of injuries appearing to be non-accidental in nature. There are also different kinds of child abuse; which include physical, emotional, and sexual. But, discipline does not
Corporal punishment, as a measure of correction or of maintaining discipline and order in schools, is permitted. However, it shall be used only when all other alternative means of discipline have failed, and then only in reasonable form and upon the recommendation of the principal. If found necessary, it shall be administered by a certificated administrator in the presence of a witness who is an employee of the school district. It should never be inflicted in the presence of other pupils, nor without a witness. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by swatting the buttocks with a paddle. When it becomes necessary to use corporal punishment, it shall be administered so that there can be no chance of bodily injury or harm. Striking a student on the head or face is not permitted. The teacher or principal shall submit a report to the superintendent, explaining the reason for the use of corporal punishment as well as the details of the administration of the same.
This note will be used as the basis of monitoring and reviewing performance, and will remain valid for 6 months. If an employee’s unsatisfactory performance is sufficiently serious, it may be justifiable to move directly to a final written warning.
Classroom management and classroom discipline share a correlation with one another yet; they are uniquely different issues and should remain a separate focus of the teacher. (Cantor, 2006) Behavior and misbehavior also share a connection but represent different degrees of infraction. (Charles, 2008) This essay focuses on the differences and similarities of these topics and their relation to the classroom.
Discipline plays an important role towards the formation of students’ character. It is one of the important components in a system where closely related to the discipline, nature, morality and decency. The word discipline is one thing that is synonymous in daily life. The word discipline is so broad meaning either meaning negative or positive sense. However, the negative meaning that often become the focus and is becoming an issue that is popular if it involves individual or group meetings with the community.
For many years parents have been disciplining their children in various ways. Discipline is required to train a child in doing what is right and staying away from what is wrong and dangerous. Discipline has always been used in order for the child not to grow up spoiled and choosy. Giving children what they want always is never a good thing, while teaching them that they cannot have everything teaches them patience. Discipline is very critical in a child’s life because it is a determining factor on how that child is going to turn out in the future. People will always relate bad parenting to a child’s bad behaviour and good parenting to a good behaviour. So how must parents discipline in order
It is a fact that classroom management and discipline has always been a challenge to pre-service teachers as they do not know and have not acquired the necessary skills to deal with unruly learners effectively. Often so, teachers in service use strategies that are incorrect or rather unacceptable; whether this is done intentionally or under certain desperation to gain control and respect of the learners. It is prevalent across the globe. Although the South African system has used corporal punishment for many years to maintain discipline and management in the classroom; there have always been other alternative ways which are effective and better as opposed to the harsh way of discipline. The Constitution of South Africa specifically banned the use of this harsh treatment because of the awareness that children are vulnerable and defenceless; therefore they are the ones who are at risk of being victims of crime, beatings and psychological trauma that are an ultimate result of being bullied by adults. My claim is that strategies used to maintain classrooms in public schools are not acceptable if they cause a negative effect to the development of our children. And I will argue that there are other alternatives that could be used to make sure that the classes run smooth and without causing any intimidation to either the learners or teachers in this industry, as the South African Journal of Education mentions that