
Discovering Diversity Project By Amin And Holmes

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Discovering Diversity Project This experience was specifically chosen as a mechanism to better understanding dementia in all its facets following the loss of an uncle, who I later found was diagnosed with the disorder. As described by Amin and Holmes (2016) dementia is a general term for a range of progressive organic brain diseases characterized by problems of short-term memory and other cognitive deficits and is often a consequence of processes that result in the aberrant polymerization of proteins (p. 687). From an academic and biological perspective, this information is extremely fascinating, however I rarely considered the faces behind the disorder and as such experienced something akin to a sudden bereavement following my uncle 's …show more content…

Unpredictable movements and vocalizations frightened and pushed me from my comfort zone, yet cooperating with an interdisciplinary team provided invaluable practical experience and a chance to learn appropriate care for those in vulnerable positions. Accordingly, two individuals made a major difference in my experience. The first was JP Hermano, the volunteer coordinator, who assisted me greatly by providing numerous seminars and training sessions to help me understand and become comfortable with dementia. The second was Alle Choi, the head dietician, and she helped to teach more of the practical and scientific aspects, such as the theory behind good feeding practices and potential warning signs to watch for with diagnosed individuals.
Evidence of Discovered Diversity
Since starting in February of 2016 I’ve had a clash of ideas concerning senior home care. One the one hand they provide many of life’s necessities, such as companionship, sustenance, and medical care but on the other it greatly diminishes individual autonomy and freedom to do many of the things an individual may love. Consequently, it was not until Diversity in Learning that I began to make connections to my discomforts towards senior homes. These discomforts stemmed from two social justice concepts: Privilege and discrimination, specifically ableism.
I will preface by saying that while I understand the necessity for control and oversight, one of the things that irked me most about my volunteering

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