
Discrimination And The Criminal Justice System

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Discrimination is a known concept that happens everywhere, yet police and prosecutors are blind to it. Their ways of preventing crime are discriminatory in every sense of the word and they categorize people based on their skin color and where they reside. The disproportionate minority contact with the stop and frisk method is one of the ways that discrimination can be seen. “Code of the Street” and “Law and Disorder in Philadelphia” help dissect why discrimination is not seen by police and their agencies and also how police officers and their administration go about ways of preventing crime. The pressure within the police, community, and courts create inequalities for the individuals going through the Criminal Justice System. …show more content…

Anderson’s second point is about family lives. There are tons of kids that are living on the street, in abandoned cars and houses. Their homes are usually taken over by drugs and are compromised. Because these children are looking for protection, they often turn to the ‘drug kings’ of their community. These types of people are who shape the guys that are going to take their place in the drug community once they retire. Decent families on the other hand, accept mainstream values and instill a sense of responsibility in their younger family members. These types of families are usually thought of as non-Whites. The police administration doesn’t see that they are being discriminatory because they are focusing on the areas of concentrated poverty. All the administration wants to do is prevent crime. They believe they aren’t necessarily going after people of color, they are trying to prevent crime in the best way that they know how. Police and their superiors are well aware that the areas of poverty go to illegal ways to make money. The stop and frisk method was implemented in areas of concentrated of poverty, which meant increased contact with minorities. It was seen to be a solution to get the most contact with minorities because that’s where the administration sees crime happening. The administration is telling the street cops what to do to prevent crime and the street cops are

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