
Discuss Similarities And Differences In Nielsen's Life

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The other thing that people forget in regard to ratings is that if you're not in a Nielsen family, it doesn't make any difference as far as the ratings go. You can have one hundred thousand followers on social media, but how many of them are Nielsen families? You have five maybe in that one hundred thousand? I know the networks are all clamoring for the Nielsen system to change because it's a flawed system. I know that just about everybody is unhappy with what Nielsen does these days. The audience has to remember that just because you and everybody else you know watched it, if you're not a Nielsen family, it doesn't matter. It literally doesn't matter if you watched or not. It's a little frustrating. Now I know you're also into woodworking. So is woodworking something you've done your whole life? wp-1472144696874.png One of Dylan's many "creations" All of my adult life, yeah. Since I was about twenty. I'm a curious person by nature, and I'm a hands-on creative person. What makes me happiest in life is just creating. So whether it's portraiture--you know, I worked briefly doing animal portraits during my lean years. Writing, acting, painting, you know woodwork was just a natural hobby for me to take up. I love …show more content…

There's a great joy in discovering what you don't know. As long as you have a little bit of the interest to begin with, the journey is really the joy. It's not always the destination. It should be the journey. It's the big life lesson for all of us. Enjoy the journey. Home and Family 3170 Final Photo AssetsBesides Gourmet Detective, do you have any other upcoming works you can mention? I've got a couple episodes of a Freeform series called Dead of Summer that is airing right now. I was working with Elizabeth Mitchell from Lost and Revolution and Once Upon A Time. A wonderful, wonderful actress. I just love working with her. A wonderful person too. I'm in episode six and episode nine. And Jesse Hutch was in my episode

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