
Disengagement Theory

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There are many theories of aging; the purpose of my paper is to illustrate the application of theories of aging. I will discuss the psychosocial theory of aging. The psychosocial theory explains aging in terms of mental processes emotions, intelligence, memory, learning and personality (Dittrich, 2014). The theories discussed are disengagement theories and activity theory.
Disengagement theories of aging are put forward that as older adults’ age, they have a withdrawal from interactions and relationships to the various systems of which they belong. The theory is that this withdrawal is inevitable and mutual. The disengagement process is that older adults accept that their life has changed over a lifespan. Because of aging, they begin to …show more content…

2016). Whereas disengagement theory" (1961), proposed that in the normal course of aging, people gradually withdrew or disengaged from social roles as a natural response to lessened capabilities and diminished interest, and to societal disincentives for participation. In this model, the successfully aging person willingly retires from work or family life and contentedly takes to a rocking chair, or pursues other solitary, passive activities while preparing for …show more content…

The process is irreversible once it has started. As a preparation for death, the individual and society gradually separate from one another. The aging person has an increased preoccupation with self and a decreased involvement with others. The society’s tendency, at the same time, is to reject aging individuals (Saajanaho, M. 2016). This results in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system. As the number, nature, and diversity of the older person’s social contacts diminish, disengagement becomes a circular process that further limits the opportunities for interaction (Saajanaho, M.

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