
Disorganized Schizophrenia Research Paper

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Disorganized schizophrenia is defined as one of several subtypes of schizophrenia as chronic (long-term) mental illness. It is thought to be extreme expression of disorganized syndrome that has been hypothesized to be one feature of a 3-factor model of schizophrenia. The other factors are delusions/hallucination (reality distortion), and psychomotor poverty (poor speech, lack of spontaneous movement, and blunting emotion). People who suffer from this mental illness had to battle for years before getting any help. Also, people that have disorganized schizophrenia use and abuse drugs. There is about 1% of the population who suffer from this mental illness. In my paper I will speak about the treatment, symptoms, causes, of disorganized schizophrenia. …show more content…

Active behavior is when the person becomes very active, but the behavior that they engage in has no purpose or focus to it. An example of this is the person might be walking, throw a pillow across the room, then go to the kitchen and make a sandwich and sit down and start drawing. This type of behavior is active because it is unpredictable. Disorganized speech occurs when the person starts speaking but the words they are saying do not make sense. They might start a conversation and then say something completely different not even realizing it happened. Inappropriate emotion is when they may make the wrong faces at the wrong times. Meaning, the person doesn’t show appropriate emotional responses. Avolition is a common symptom to experience and it comes with a lack of motivation. It is so significant that the person may want to complete a certain task but doesn’t have enough drive to carry the task out. Apart from the previous examples of some symptoms that were mentioned, other symptoms that may occur are delusions, hallucinations, social withdrawal and cognitive difficulties. They could also become unaware of becoming sick or coming down with an …show more content…

Changes in key brain functions, such as awareness, emotion, and behavior lead experts to conclude that the brain is the biological site of schizophrenia. Some important risk factors to consider are genetics, viral infections, fetal malnutrition, and stress during early life, childhood abuse or trauma, and drugs.
A good question to ask here is how disorganized schizophrenia is diagnosed? There are a few things that need to be done in order to diagnose someone. First a physical exam is issued. The patient’s height, weight, heart rate, and blood pressure is measured. Second the patient’s complete blood count is taken to check for alcohol and drugs in the system. An MRI is then done because the physician wants to look for any brain lesions or any abnormalities in the brain. Last but not least a psychological evaluation is done by the patient being asked about their thoughts, feelings, and their behavior

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