
Dispute Resolution

Satisfactory Essays

1. Write a sentence expressing a recent problem or event that upset you. My work has been scheduling more hours and days than my other co-workers. 2. Write a list of 3 or more criticisms your Inner Critic (IC) might level against you as a result of this situation. Have your inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. IC: Ive been scheduled more because I'm the best host worker, and so they must be horrible at working than me. IG: I probably am scheduled more due to the workplace being more busy lately. IC: Im scheduled more because I don't speak up. IG: If I speak up and ask nicely, I may have a more flexible work schedule. IC: Im always doing the hard work . IG: I must be very well at my profession, that I keep getting scheduled on the busy days. 3. Write a list of 3 or more criticisms your Inner Defender (ID) might level against someone else or life as a result of this situation. Have your Inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. IC: The managers probably don't know how to schedule correctly and evenly. IG :The managers trust me more than the other employees, so ive been scheduled on more days. …show more content…

Especially in college, it's really hard to find little positivity due to the heavy and constant negativity that follows us like homework, test and quizzes and being able to get things done. Personally, like the previous questions, work has played a difficult role in my college experience. I always find myself to be stressed out and constantly trying to fit my time for college in between. Recently, I did bad on my math test and I thought it was because I lost days to study, due to my work. In reality, I had a couple days prior and a full day the following day, but I slacked off and still blamed my workplace for it. Changing my viewpoint on my inner conversations, I can see and do things more efficiently with a positive

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