
Dissociation Theory Of Hypnosis

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What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is when a person is in a highly susceptible state of consciousness where they are open to suggestion. Typically, it is used to help relax/calm a person, control/alleviate pain, and recover from whatever they’re experiencing. Being susceptible to suggestion makes it easy to be affected mentally and physically. The hypnotist uses this to guide you or influence you into a certain situation. When being hypnotized, the subject is in charge and can’t be forced against their will. Which means people can only be hypnotized if they’re willing to be.

The Social-cognitive theory of hypnosis is a form of role-playing where people who are hypnotized aren’t in a different state of consciousness, but are simply acting the way others expect them to in that situation (Sarbin & Coe, 1972). The Dissociation theory of hypnosis is a dissociation of consciousness where the mind is split in two parts (1991; Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). One part of the mind is conscious and the other part of the mind is the “hidden observer”. …show more content…

For as long as I can remember, it was a constant trial and error effort to get her to stop. It would affect me as well because I cared for her. She would go through the rough stages of withdraw and then give up. The withdraw symptoms of nicotine are almost as bad as the symptoms of alcohol, cocaine, or heroin (Epping-Jordan et al., 1998). For a while, I used think that hypnosis would cure my mother’s cigarette smoking habit instantly! I thought all we had to do next is go to Las Vegas and get her hypnotized. Now, I’ve applied psychology to figure out that doing hypnotic therapy sessions would work better instead of going to Las Vegas for

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