
Diverse Lifestyles In Emerging Adults

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I feel like an adult’s diverse lifestyle has made significant changes from the past to now. Progressively the ages of which someone gets married has increased. According to the external reading Emerging adults: The in-between age, “50 years ago, the median age for marriage was 22 for men and 20 for women; now, the median age for marriage has climbed past 28 for men and edged above 24 for women” (Munsey 2006). An example I want to give is my grandparents and parents. My grandparents got married at the young ages of 18 and 19 in 1949. In contrast, my parents got married at ages 34 and 39 in 1994. I also have other friends who have been together for a long time and not get married until their late 20’s/30’s. I think the reasoning why couples are waiting longer to get married, is that they want to establish themselves both professionally and financially. They want to make sure that they have their priorities straight, before marriage and having kids. I do not think that this is a bad thing, as I believe these things …show more content…

A stage that young adults go through is singlehood, meaning not living with an intimate partner. According to the book, “the most common advantages of singlehood are freedom and mobility” (Berk 388). But there are some disadvantages as, “singles recognize drawbacks-loneliness, the dating grind, limited sexual and social life etc.” (388). In contrast, to individuals who are in relationships and live in cohabitation with their partners. There are advantages to cohabitation. First, it is an alternative for marriage in lower-SES couples as they are “earning power is too uncertain” (389). Once their financial status improves, they then advance to marriage, having kids etc. Second, “U.S. cohabitating gay and lesbian couples report strong relationship commitment” (389). However, a disadvantage for cohabitation is, “those who cohabit prior to engagement are at increased risk for divorce”

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