
Diversity, Diversity And Inclusion Are Key Components For Organizational Success

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In today’s workforce, diversity and inclusion are key components for organizational success. Companies who realize that their human assets are one of the most, if not the most, important resource available to them aim to create an environment that embraces the similarities and differences present in its employees. Additionally, these organizations create a culture in which inclusion is a core component, advocated and demonstrated at all levels. One diversity characteristic is that of age. Due to many reasons, such as medical advances and the economic recession (Meister & Willyerd, 2009), older generations are putting off retirement. This delay in retirement has changed the landscape of today’s workforce; there are currently four distinct generations within the workforce (Coughlin, n.d.) and by 2020, there will be five (Meister & Willyerd, 2009). This generational spread creates unique challenges for both managers and employees alike. The Traditionalists Born before 1945, the Traditionalist generation comprises 8% of the U.S. workforce (Murphy, 2007). Having grown up during the Great Depression, this generation views employment as a privilege (Bursch & Kelly, 2014). This generation is conservative, in both manner and dress, and holds traditional values of the importance of family, community and country (Murphy, 2007). Traditionalists have strong work ethics, discipline and stability. They value formal authority/subordinate roles and prefer managers who are respectful,

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