
Diversity In California

Decent Essays

This week’s topic of California becoming such a diverse powerhouse in the U.S and also how California being such a diverse state plays an important role in the U.S. government”. California is a hybrid democracy which means there are two types of democracies within California’s government. Representative means that we elect of political officials that best represents our interests. This also happens on a federal level which is why we have various elections throughout the years that allows us to vote for who we want in Congress, also on who we want to be our president. Direct Democracy gives power to the people in California allowing us to have a voice in how we want to see our state government run California (The Basics, 3:33). These two democracies …show more content…

California citizens consist of 39% Latino, 38.8 White, 5.8% Black, 13.0% Asian, and less than 1% Native American (Lecture 2, California Diversity). It is stated that according to California Governor Jerry Brown’s new state budget, Latinos are projected to become the largest single racial/ethnic group in the state by March of 2014 (Hugo Lopez, Mark. 2014). The large increase in the Latino population over recent years has become such a huge media topic in today’s news because people think that America’s immigration policy and laws are too loose and are allowing people to cross the border illegally. Our current president Donald Trump believes that our immigration laws are horrible and allows criminals to cross the border into the U.S. which is making Americans lose jobs and cause crime rates to rise. He stated various time that he wants to make laws that would prohibit such people from coming over to America. This isn’t the first time that diversity has affected policies that the government has made. An example of this would be Proposition 187, the "Save our State" initiative. This initiative banned public services such as education and emergency care to undocumented peoples in California (Lecture 2, California

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