
Diversity In Public Sector Hr Policy. It Is Very Well Known

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Diversity in Public Sector HR Policy It is very well known that the only constant in the universe is change, and there is no better place to validate that claim than in today’s workplace. Diversity is the order of the day when it comes to recruitment and selection by public and privet recruiters, headhunters, and human resource (HR) managers. While many guidelines have been put into place to ensure diversity in hiring practices, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against job applicants on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion, there are still areas of discrimination that are not addressed in the act which can put hiring managers at risk. It is …show more content…

Diversity must be woven into the very fiber of the organization’s culture in such a way that there is no mistake as to leadership’s attitude toward hiring the most talented candidates from all walks of life. Brescoll (2011) stated when an organization truly has diversity as a core part of its culture, diversity then becomes the lens that all aspects of the organization are view through. It is at this point when an organization can say diversity is part of its core culture. At this point HR managers need to understand how and where to attract and recruit those individuals that represent the core competency of diversity. Recruiting Diversity It may be well and good to preach a culture of diversity; however, attracting, recruiting, and selecting candidates that mirror the organizations commitment is another thing entirely. Ilgaz (2015) reported one important step toward attracting and recruiting a more diverse workforce is to identify new diverse talent pools rather than being a slave to tools such as online search engines and local universities and colleges. New talent pools must be found and utilized if an organization is to locate the most qualified candidates. Monster (2014) advised HR managers take actions such as getting involved in organizations, utilizing employee resource groups, becoming

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