
Diversity In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Corporate Diversity Since the 1970’s, diversity program consisted of recruiting and promoting African Americans in the workplace. Since then, companies are now broadening the definition of diversity to include a vast range of cultures, age, and gender. Employers consider how to effectively incorporate diversity as a serious issue. Companies put in effect strategic reviews to determine how diversity impacts the organization and what actions are needed to prepare for a foreseeable future. Over the past four decades, corporate diversity in the workplace has strengthened to build more effective corporations by building greater corporate social responsibility, greater team work, and greater opportunities for women. Diversity in the workplace affects a corporation’s social responsibility to the consumers and the employees. Social responsibility involves utilizing corporate assets with a financial and moral measure to enhance the relationships with key stakeholders and strengthen the company’s reputation (Bear, Rahman, and Post 2). A company with a diverse board of directors provides effective …show more content…

Team organization is more productive with each team member contributing different innovative ideas for the company’s performance and business needs. Team conflict is resolved as team members culturally discuss and manage their cultural differences (Hajro and Pudelko). Cultural awareness brings a greater level of understanding for each team member’s background and viewpoint. Understanding different personalities within the workplace results in developing empathy and positive problem solving techniques within the team. The cultural experience grows throughout the team environment (Hajro and Pudelko). Effective team work also results in career progression for a profitable an expanding

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