
Diversity In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Diversity has been one of the top issues in today’s organization or establishment. At the workplace diversity means creating an environment that all employees feel included. It doesn’t matter of their gender, age, race, work experience, or sexual orientation. The Workplace should acknowledge and recognize other races and other cultures and recognize the fact there are many ways of viewing the world. Workplace diversity is what others bring into the actual workplace if you notice it brings different opinions and interaction from different backgrounds into the workplace. It opens up others points of perceptions on how things are viewed. Diversity in the workplace I feel is very important because it brings peace and not discrimination to someone’s …show more content…

They are very encouraged and makes sure they bring the different talent within the work place. A company that’s dealing with diverse issues is Abercrombie they don’t carry plus size women clothing because they don’t won’t plus size women wearing their clothing they feel plus size women don’t fit into there group. The clothing size only goes up to 10. To keep a business running you have other competitors out there that accept plus size women clothes, in one of their statements Abercrombie discriminated plus size women. I feel within a business to keep people coming you should accept plus size clothing. I have a friend that went into the store she is plus size and they just looked her, like what are you doing in here. But little did they know she was just with me she knows they don’t have her size. That person that was doing all the judging made me leave and didn’t want to support their business because they judged my friend. That’s a lack that they have within a business you suppose to make people feel welcome coming in. I feel that if they were friendlier within the business they will get more business. Customer service is the key to run any …show more content…

If a lot of companies would accept people for who they are it will run a lot smoother. With my experiences and with others as well I have dealt with and heard some stories, one story that I was told is that this lady and her parents went to this jewelry store because her mom loved jewelry and her dad always spoiled her he had just got off work and she always stays home so she just had on something she just threw on, keep in mind her dad works outside all day and he didn’t change because her mom was so in a rush. So they went got to the store inserted the store and was waiting for help for 15 minutes after waiting that long and tended to walk out then someone ask did they need help? The daughter said No you should have asked 15 minutes ago when we were standing there looking we will be leaving now. Long story short they went up stairs to another jewelry store that was way friendlier and ended up buying over 4,000 in jewelry so she wanted to stop back down stairs to let the other company know that they lost out and the man was just looking crazy. So with that being said I think that will help if changed is companies judging by what someone has on. Because you never know what someone has you don’t have to be dressed up all the time to get a great welcome coming inside of any

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