
Diversity of Marine Algae in the Biosphere 2 Ocean Essay

Decent Essays

Diversity of Marine Algae in the Biosphere 2Ocean

Red algae, Rhodophyta, is easily identified in the marine environment because it appears as a red color. There are many different species, originating from many different corners of the Earth. The ocean biome in the Biosphere 2 was constructed using raw seawater off the coast of Southern California, which contained many different unknown species of algae. During the construction of the biome, other known species of algae from various marine environments, Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii, were also introduced into the ocean. Research is continuing to be conducted on all various algae species in the Biosphere 2, to determine the diversity of the marine algae. Two red algae species, …show more content…

The largest biome in the Biosphere is the ocean, which will be the focus area of this article.

The research study being examined is known as, Diversity of Marine Algae in the B2L Ocean, and is being conducted by Dr. Kevin Fitzsimmons, Dr. Edward Glenn and Dr. Steve Nelson of the Environmental Research Lab, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona. The duration of this study is from September, 1999 through August, 2004. Algae samples from all locations within the marine biome of the Biosphere 2 are to be collected in three to four months cycles, identified, dried and weighed. Total biomass accumulations for each species will be determined; from that growth periods and patterns can be observed. The collection of these species is manually done through SCUBA diving and snorkeling. The purpose of algae collection is ??the objective of taxonomic collections is to represent the natural population in size and form. Therefore, it is important to collect a representative sample of specimens (seasonally), being careful to collect the entire plant (including the holdfast) as well as representative plants from various habitats. Noting information about the habitat for the label may be as important as the specimen itself?? (Tsuda, 1985).

The ocean biome within the Biosphere 2, is sectioned into zones with known locations; the

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