
Do Athletes Get Such A High Salary

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Do athletes need such a high salary? Most people say no but they really do. If you get paid more than people than people that save lives, you might be getting too much money. There are people that have bigger jobs to ether help people, save people, or run the country. One of these people that deserves a higher salary is nurses. Nurse takes care of the ill and make sure that people in the hospital are comfortable and getting well. 67,490 is how much a nurse gets gets paid a year, $5.15 million to $1.85 million is how much a athlete gets a game! Firefighters is also people that do not get paid as much as athletes. Firefighters are people that save people out of burning buildings. 46,870 is the salary of the people who save people's lives Fun fact police only get 60,270 a year that is a 5,098,730 dollar difference. …show more content…

do not even get as much as athletes. The president is the person who makes sure EVERYTHING is in balance. He only makes 400,000 dollars a year, and he the one who runs everything. On the other side thinks they need a high salary because they are risking getting hurt, but i have a counter claim, they wanted to become an athlete so it is there fault if they get hurt.There are people that have bigger jobs This is my claim about are athletes getting paid too

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