
Do The Right Thing Analysis

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The initial release of ‘Do the Right Thing’ caused a media frenzy, and had reviewers predicting the movie would stir riots and cause race issues among the inner cities of America. If anything, the movie caused an intellectual uproar and left viewers with an urge to discuss the issues portrayed in the movie’s community. Lee manages to touch upon the various issues that inner city communities faced during the presidency of Regan and the social attitudes that followed his tax cut plan. These plans effected the environmental conditions, the relations amongst races, and police brutality within urban communities. The setting of the movie is placed in Bedford-Stuyvesant, a neighborhood of Brooklyn New York which is neglected by city’s government and …show more content…

The wide arrange of characters within this film show how Hispanics, whites, Asians, and Africans, and African Americans interact with one another in communities like the one in the movie. The initial conflict that plays out throughout the movie starts between Buggin Out and Sal. Buggin thinks that Sal should put up famous black people on his wall, since he thinks that the only people spending money at his shop are black people. Sal replies that it is his shop and he can do whatever he wants with his wall, and tells Buggin that if he wants different people on the wall he should open up his own business rather than criticizing his. He then proceeds to leave in a fit of rage and begins to boycott Sal’s by attempting to round up individuals within the neighborhood. The moral backbone of the movie is played by the Mayor and even though he is considered a local drunk, he is always telling people to do the right thing, and to think before they act. He even tells Mookie to “Always do the right thing,” before his day begins. The Asian supermarket is a focal point of the old men’s conversation, and the African man thinks it is a shame that an Asian family managed to open a business within a year, yet there are no businesses owned by any black community members. The interaction between Mookie and Sal’s racist son, Pino, displays how institutionalized racism is within culture. Mookie …show more content…

Raheem and Stewart’s death still resonates within today’s interaction of young black men and police officers. Through the last decade examples of this issue have played out within the case of Eric Gardener unjustly being killed by the NYC Police Force, Trayvon Martin in Florida, the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, the death of Cedrick Chatman by Chicago police, and many more. The topic of police brutality has been a reoccurring theme throughout the past 30 years, and more often than not the officers convicted of the shootings are not indicted due to their position within the political system and society. In the movie there is a scene with black cops and a scene with white cops. Both of these scenes contrast one another in terms of the vibe they introduce upon their appearance. The scene with the black cops shows that these cops understand the conditions of the neighborhood and sympathize towards their lack of resources to keep them cool during the hot day. They warn them not to open up the fire extinguisher again and leave without making any arrests because the crime was a small misdemeanor. Once the white cops make their way into the neighborhood there is conflicting vibe between the folks sitting on the corner, and it is obvious that they dislike one another. The appearance of the white cops during the fight shows how police

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