
Essay about Do Video Games really Cause Violence?

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“No one is suggesting that [violent video games are] the only reason they went out and committed those horrific acts, but was it a tipping point? Was it something that pushed them over the edge? Was it a factor in that? Perhaps. That’s a really big deal,” This is a really controversial subject amongst gamers and parents, on whether violent video games cause real-life violence. Lots of people think they do, while lots of people think they don’t. There is research that points both ways in the subject, although I believe that the evidence points to it not causing violence.
The violent video games we play today could be causing violence around the world, some evidence points towards violent games being a culprit in the Sandy Hook school …show more content…

Even though video games could cause violence, it is possible that they don’t cause violence among teens and the violence can really come from a bad household. It is possible that the teens that cause violence could have gotten it from games, but it is also possible that they could have gotten it from adults that abuse their children. Instead of showing a child the right way of doing something if they do wrong, it is possible that they would hit the child or abuse them in some way. This could cause them to learn if someone isn't doing something they like, or did something wrong they could see they way to solve it is through physical action, instead of talking to them about the issue. “Video games, music, television, movies, novels, and Shakespeare don’t cause violence. Mental illness, psychological abuse, and physical abuse cause violence. Ideologies that reward and condone aggression, particularly in men, cause violence. Global genocide causes violence. The only conclusive evidence we do have is that it is real-life violence that causes real-life violence.” (Kristin 16) This research shows that the stuff we blame for violence is not what is to blame, it is real-life violence and abuse that is to blame. The article also talks about how americans need to stop blaming video games for the violence in the country, and look at the real problem that is causing the violence. Another example that shows that violence can come from a household is,

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