
Do You Want To Be Liberal Or Free?

Decent Essays

Most people want to be liberal and free in order to do the things they want. Most people want to be healthy as well, if you think about it closely these two ideas can interfere causing many problems or issues towards someone. While, doing something liberal, somehow a person's health could be damaged. There are diverse ideas oh how things should work out there, maybe if having too much freedom affects others, then it should be restricted; maybe they should not restrict freedom even if it causes damage, or last just avoiding health risks. First of all, many people thinking differently may cause a lot of chaos; since they will start arguing about what is right and what is wrong. People can have many different perspectives towards the same issue, that is why it will never be a time when everyone agrees to something. For example, when having too much freedom, the persons do not realize that some things they do may affect others. Society wants to strive to achieve the greatest goods for the majority of their people. There are times where that cannot be; due to the fact that some may be affected by making a new rule. Restricting freedom would be the best for some people, the ones that care about their …show more content…

It is a right in our country to be free, allowing us to stay away from risks that may affect us. Some people complain about others smoking or doing things that are factors for damaging health. For example, when people don't like what others freedom is causing, whines and just complain, but they can easily get away because it is a right to do what you want, whenever you want. It is hard for some people to hear others talk about them, about how some things they do are wrong. It is something that affects both, when it should not be that way; instead it should be normal for everyone to do what they please. Freedom is something everyone can have, and use however they want, even by staying away of

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