
Does Highlighting Have An Effect On Learning?

Decent Essays

Does highlighting have an effect on learning? Is highlighting a good method to use to help learning? Instead of using highlighting as their go to strategy, they should try something more useful, such as practice testing that actually has a positive effect on learning. Highlighting is not effective at all even though students tend to think that it works, and is effective.
Highlighting is one of the worst learning techniques that you can use as a learning strategy but students like to use it. According to Fowler and Barker (1974), highlighting has no effect on their performance in testing. Almost every study will show that highlighting has little to no effect at all for the students studying and doing the highlighting. Students who read and highlight at the same time is comparable to reading and not highlighting anything at all, then later getting tested over the material and testing almost exactly the same. It may also cause mistakes of making connections and drawing conclusions. The purpose of highlighting offers no benefit beyond simply reading the text. Highlighting can get in the way of learning as it draws attention to individual facts instead of looking at the big picture.
Highlighting information yourself if more effective, but does not increase test scores. The second study conducted by Fowler & Barker (1974) showed the same thing even when the researchers pitched what would be highlighted. That means that the participants remember all of the information that was

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