
Does Skepticism Bring Tranquility?

Decent Essays

In this paper I will argue that the skeptic ideal for tranquility is incorrect. I will do this by presenting the case that the skeptics have not found true tranquility and that a person who holds the opinion that things can be good or bad is not always more troubled than one who does not. In this paper I am arguing against the skeptic work of Sextus Empiricus. Specifically his claim that tranquility is achieved solely through suspension of judgement and “a person will always be troubled if he holds the opinion that anything is either good or bad” (emphasis added). Passively letting arguments pass can result in trouble. The skeptics argue if you suspend Judgment you don’t have to worry about arguments and this provides tranquility. One might look at a political debate ones friends are holding as an example. As the debate progresses both sides continue to become more heated and those participating in the argument lose their tranquility. Meanwhile the skeptic can suspend their judgment of the situation unsure of what is right and wrong and maintain a state of tranquility. I myself can say that this is a valid experience as on many occasions when I do not care about the content of an argument I have waited on the outside undisturbed. However if we look again at our political debate example we can also see that the debate might lead to changes within a community. Perhaps as a result of one side winning you lose government support for your health care or unemployment benefits,

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