
Does The Current Army Promotion Board Structure Create Bad Leaders?

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Does the Current Army Promotion Board Structure Create Bad Leaders?
For more than three decades, Army Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) were part of an era of fast promotions through the NCO ranks, with some Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) seeing Soldiers make the rank of Sergeant First Class (SFC) with six to seven years time in service (TIS). Since the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the United States military was facing a challenge that produced two separate operations simultaneously in the same region of the world which called for thousands of additional service members, especially in the ranks of NCOs. While “fast tracking” was great for the individual, it left many enlisted Soldiers, as well as Officers angry and frustrated with the lack of knowledge these young NCOs were demonstrating when it came to basic Soldiering tactics and techniques. This stems from the decades old Sergeant and Staff Sergeant promotion boards, lack of leadership time, as well as lack of diversity within major Army Component Commands (COCOMS).
Considered the “backbone of the Army,” the Army NCO corps is facing a massive shortage of qualified Soldiers thanks to the down-sizing of military forces after a decade and a half of wars, and the seasoned NCOs either separating from the military, retiring, or recovering from combat related injuries. Through a Department of Defense policy that was implemented in 2005 to expand the NCO corps, which ultimately lowered the bar for promotion,

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