
Does The Life Of Pi Have A Happy Ending?

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Does The Life of Pi Have a Happy Ending?

Every child has found himself hopelessly lost in his favorite fairy tale. Little girls scattered across the world long for their Prince Charming to slip the glass slipper onto dainty feet, and young boys dream of slaying fire-breathing monsters and rescuing their kingdom. Children’s writers strive to write a tale more memorable than those of Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm. So, what causes humans to gravitate towards storylines of triumph over evil and justice keeping order? People love a story with a happy, predictable ending because it allows them to believe in happy endings for their own lives. As Neil Gaiman said, “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” This same principle can be applied with the book The Life of Pi by Yann Martel; Pi is thrown into circumstances that seem impossible to overcome, and although he loses all of his family, he is able to make a full recovery and begins a new life afterwards. Therefore, I believe that The Life of Pi, ultimately, has a happy ending because Pi’s perseverance through his unfortunate circumstances shapes his resilience, his trials produce self-confidence, he has surmounted all the obstacles in life and survives, and he is able to physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually cope and recover from the major traumas in his life.

Pi’s experience of being stranded at sea creates

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