
Does Uber's Very Self-Driving Car Work?

Decent Essays

The idea of autonomous or self-driving cars has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is the latest technology in the automotive industry and it has allowed for the capability of navigation and environmental “mapping” without direct human input. As Google and Tesla log miles in the millions, Uber is test driving autonomous vehicles in several major US cities. It’s a flat out race to be first in this market that many believe is inevitable.

Uber’s self-driving cars use a combination of cutting edge technologies including LiDAR, odometry, radar and GPS to “map” the area surrounding the vehicle and to “anticipate” future positioning. These advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify relevant signage and potential obstacles to identify navigation paths from one location to another. The data collected also helps the computer system responsible for driving to “see” other cars on the roadway and avoid collisions.

How Does Uber’s Very First Self-Driving Car Work?

On Uber’s test cars you will find a roof-mounted system containing the LiDAR laser system that pulses 1.4 million beams per second as well as cameras that combine technologies to create a color map. The color recognition also helps the car to recognize traffic lights as they change. There are also several antennae mounted on the roof. GPS uses …show more content…

There is a front passenger, presumably with the ability to intercede and assume control of the car in the event of a malfunction, but all in all, you won’t notice too much difference. You’re still using the same roadways and the shell is that of any other “average” car you might find yourself riding beside. You’ll have a tablet that displays the route, time remaining on the trip, and current status of the vehicle. The cars have driver mode as well as autonomous settings and every mile logged is one more counted towards making driverless cars a

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