
Does the Lack of Exercise and Healthy Eating Habits Contribute to Peripheral Artery Disease?

Decent Essays

I am writing this paper to inform my reader of lifestyles that can contribute to PAD My audience will be caregivers who care for people with this disease I will take the angle on what causes this condition I need to know can this disease be prevented?

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a secondary result of atherosclerosis and it can develop in any of your arteries. When atherosclerosis affects your arms and legs, it is called Peripheral Artery Disease. Atherosclerosis is when the arteries become clogged with clumps of fat, cholesterol and other material called atherosclerotic plaques which causes the arteries to become hard and narrow. These plaques can make arteries so narrow that less blood flows through. You feel pain because your leg muscles are not getting enough oxygenated blood. Oxygen is the fuel that muscles need to contract. Oxygen is also needed to keep your cells living and when oxygen is not present your cells began to die.
I am writing this paper because our family is dealing with my dear grandmother who is suffering from PAD. She has been in daily pain for over 2 years now and the disease is progressing rapidly. My mother, who is my grandmother’s caregiver, has been living with her for about two years: caring for her who despite losing all of her toes on both feet

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