
Dogs Are Better Pets : Dogs Are Better Than Dogs

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Some people think cats are better than dogs, but dogs are the finest when it comes to having pets. Although dogs cause a great deal of destruction and headaches, they are filled with love and joy. I have a five-year-old, bulldog, Dakoda, and the way he treats my family and me is incredible. He is clever, loving, and protective which generally dogs are. When I saw Dakoda at the SPCA I knew he was going to be the perfect pal for me, I had to adopt him. Chloe, 7-year-old, black and white American Shorthair cat, on the other is independent while having a calm, loving behavior. Chloe was just a kitten when I found her, she was a stray living on my grandparent’s farm, so I took her in. Although both my pets showed affection, they varied in their behavior and the care they acquired.
Both Dakoda and Chloe are very affectionate. Koda shows his affection towards my family and I by licking my face, jumping up and down when he someone, constantly following us around the house, takes over the entire bed when sleeping, and whining when we leave. Whenever Dakoda sees me his tail starts wagging and gets happy. Nevertheless, cats can’t show affection like dogs do, Chloe, still shows just as much affection through rubbing her head on my legs, purring constantly and jumping on my lap every chance she could acquire.
However, throughout all the similarities, they do have differences in behavior. Since I adopted Dakoda, it took a few months for him to get settled into the house and get used to my family and me. Today he is so much happier and living a better life than at the SPCA and his action show it. While being defensive; barking at anyone that enters my house, he also, does not like when my family leaves him, he jumps up and down, barks, scratches and bites. He’s also hyperactive and is constantly running around the house playing with his stuffed animals, frequently tearing apart pillows, chewing up toilet paper rolls, and scraping the hardwood floor with his nails. Despite his actions, his cute chubby face makes up for it. Around kids he is decent however, he loves to jump when trying to play. He can always be found sitting near the dinner table pleading for table food. While Chloe is calm. She is not protective. She is

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