Dogs in the workplace, is it a good addition that will help moral, or is it a bad distraction? I personally think that bringing a dog to work could help the moral and anxiety of the everyday work place, and make workers therefore even more happy and productive I'll explain my reasoning.
First off who doesn't like their K9 companions whom are cute, stress relieving and a part of a workers everyday life? Most owners of pets would love to have their dog there so that they can pet them and relax more. This is even being used in universities to help students relieve stress so if it's working for college students who are going to be our future doctors, policemen, and lawyers why wouldn't it work for the common workplace?
Secondly having a dog
I, along with the author of, "Against Bringing Dogs to Work," believe that dogs should not be allowed in the workplace because they can be a distraction or harm other employees or property.
I am quite the animal lover and I believe this idea should be well thought over. Not everyone would agree with this idea to have your dog in the work place do to alergies or they could even be afraid of your dog. To help
First of all for the pros, workers would be able to be just alittle more relaxed with they're dogs in the workspace as they keep them comfortable and less worked up. It can be very stressful while the wokers work on projects or big tasks so with them there by they're side the workers can have a sense of happiness while they pet or play with they're dogs. This can also help workers that work very late in the night or have to leave early in the morning since they wont have to worry about what they're dog is doing or if its hungry or not. With the workers happy and able to play with they're dogs the workspace would become more happy
In certain work places i do belive dogs can be a positive energy and a relaxing company to have around the work place. In my own experiance at school some of the teachers bring theyre dogs to work, the dogs are very quiet and nice which helps me feel relaxed and able to reduce stress in the classroom. Another reason i am in support of the bring your dog to work program is beacause, in the article it states that theyre are studies showing that bringing your dog to work can increase the work productivity and workers have a sense of relaxation also more people experience a sense of well
Society is quick to believe that racism is over, especially racism towards African-Americans. The idea of racism being present in this day and age is constantly swatted away with, “Our president is black!” Who are they to say how we, as African-Americans, feel? If someone, or a group of people, feels and states that you have hurt them, then you are not allowed to say that you didn’t. Rather than empathizing, society tends to blame the oppressed for being so sensitive, or to work harder. No one should have to do anything just to reserve a right to be treated with equal respect. The lack of respect for the basic rights of a human being has seeped into the police departments across the United States. Police officers throughout the country have
I Believe and support the idea of bringing your dog to work, I think it is a wonderful idea, they have many beautiful reasons why you should.
Deciding whether or not I should agree with dogs being allowed in our work place was very tricky for me. I appreciate your desire to make sure every employee feels comfortable and stress-free at work. Also, I adore dogs and would love to able to have my furry-friend alongside me all day long. However, after looking at the pro's and con's, I'd have to say I do not agree with this idea.
I think that dogs should not be aloud at the workplace for a few reasons. One its very unsanitary, not all dogs are properly trained and could go to the bathroom at any point they feel like it. Also dogs are for the most part aggresive and territorial, granted some aren't like this but a lot of dogs are. So if you have a lot of dogs in an office area there could be a lot of barking and growling which would cause distraction throughout the work day. Another reason I think this isn't a good idea is because workers who do bring pets in will have to always be paying attention to their animal, as well as their tasks at work and productivity will more than likely go down. Lastly I think that it's a bad idea to bring on thiss policy because there
Dogs are great animals, but there is a time and a place for them. By allowing employees to bring their dogs to work you are setting the buisness up for failure. Dogs bark, need constant attention, need food, water, to be walked and many more things. People will be far to distracted to actually accomplish anything at work, which will hurt the company.
Scientific evidence proves benefits of having a dog that can improve your life. To prove in the article, “17 Ways Your Dog Will Improve Your Quality Of Life,” Wang wrote, “Studies show that talking to and petting your pooches are often accompanied by lower blood pressure, and that means a lowered risk for a myriad of different illnesses.” (2015) This shows that having a dog can officially lower your blood pressure. This can result into a lower risk of getting a wide variety of illnesses involving high blood pressure. Simple things like just petting your dog can prevent major illnesses. Another reason why dogs can happen your health is in the article it says, “Dog owners have a much higher rate of recovery from being sick than non-dog owners. In fact, humans with pooches who suffered from heart attacks were twice as likely to fully recover than those without!” (2015) This shows that having a dog can also improve your immune system by strengthening it. This helps you recover faster than the average human being. Therefore, people that own a dog have a much stronger immune system that will allow them to recover faster than this without a
Venus choked in smog, a crushing atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Venus, shaped by volcanoes. Venus, where day and night it’s always 480 degrees Celsius yet no Sun ever penetrates these poisonous skies. Venus is a puzzle, it rotates just once in 243 days, yet clouds race around the planet in four. And, with a diameter of more than 12.000 kilometres. Venus is almost the size of Earth, but few twins are so different. Once, Venus may have been like Earth with oceans, continents and clear blue skies.
As both a dog lover and a working citizen, it is my opinion that dogs should not be allowed in a place of work. Although it may cause some employees more happiness at work, I believe that it would be more of a distraction than anything else. Although I cherish my pets deeply I have many reasons for my position that dogs should not attend our workplace.
I think we can all agree that many workplaces can be stressful at times and having your pet there would certainly help ease tensions for the owner. Personally i think its a great idea for myself but would never expect an employer to allow me to do so. The possible advantages to that are not likely to outweigh the chances that
Press Start, or a similar phrase, is one most gamer see before enjoying a title of their choosing. Many see this as a simple passage into a fun few hours or weeks, but I see this as a gateway to a world of or escape from our own. Not many people can say how gaming has changed their lives and mean it truly has, but I can. When looking at when I got my first gaming console and how that effected my life through difficult times and gained this literacy. I had to deal with grief in my life in multiple stages. What this literacy allows me to do now that I have it, and how can I use it. One instance of this is speedy communication while playing games that require this type of language. Where is my literacy taking me next is a question I often contemplate
In the end, I support the "bring Your Dog to Work" program. I think it will have a positive affect on the office and the employees. Also, if the program is put into effect, it's not manditory that the employee bring their dog to work. If the owner believes that it's not a great idea, they can leave they're dog at home. It's their choice. Overall, I believe bring your dog to work will creat a more relaxed and productive environment in the office. I believe the problems, if any can be worked through and a positive outcome will