There are many pros and cons about bringing the your pet to work discussion. On one side many people believe benefits of pets in the office would create a less stressful workplace and give many the chance to work longer hours. Others believe that the possible allergenic properties, sanitary issues and probable lawsuits will be a nightmare for companies and owners alike. I would like to bring both arguments to the table and weigh them both out.
I think we can all agree that many workplaces can be stressful at times and having your pet there would certainly help ease tensions for the owner. Personally i think its a great idea for myself but would never expect an employer to allow me to do so. The possible advantages to that are not likely to outweigh the chances that
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There are certain times we all have the need to rush home to either let our pets out and feed them but I don"t think that my choosing to get a pet should require employers to pay for my choices. Once I recieved a free complimentary room at a casino and decided to leave my dog at home while leaving newspapers down for him. I returned the next day to find that he was so upset with me that he used the bathroom right in the middle of my bed. Problems like that happen with any pet and we can't have an office full of them.
That leads me to my next topic on sanitary issues. I'm certainly guilty of feeding my dog table scraps and in return he stares at me like I'm a steak while I eat anything, friends of mine let their pet jump in their laps and feed them like a baby. That being said can you imagine a workplace full of people with similar habits? I certainly can and I don't think I want to work there. Can you imagine the possible sanitary problems that could arise from such things? It doesn't sound like a very good idea for me to put others at risk from my dog and I would hope others feel the
First of all, you are talking about Dogs, what about people who have cat as pet? You would be fair talking about pet in general than Dogs in particular. I'm thinking about Dogs I meet away,even with their masters and in chain I change away just to avoid be near them because i'm afraid of Dogs, what about stay all the day with them in office? In this context if that happen, I'll leave the company. And, in my opinion talking about Pets or Dogs in work should be something to discuss on beggining of our contract
Bringing your dog to work is wonderful. It makes you feel so relax and who doesn't like to feel relaxed. Researchers have found that when pet owners bring their dog to work, they feel less stressed out and feel less anxiety. Feeling more relaxed at work provides a better work enviorment. And having a better work enviorment increases the amount of work being done. Also, having your dog at work makes you more productive than not having your pet at work. When you have your dog at work you feel more at
Second, The positve thing about bringing your dog to work it takes a lot of stress off of pet owners mind knowing that they would not have to worry or rush home to check on their dogs. Some people feel like they are at home if thier dogs are in the office with them. which takes
I support our decision on Bring Your Dog to Work program. I think it could be a really good idea. Especially, for those who have no pet sitters at home. It can be a real productive thing, if people took it seriously.
In my company, it focuses on customers who want a dog but does not have the time to potty train them. From my personal experience, I have seen that many parents or individuals refuse to own a pet dog due to the fact that it is hard to potty train them or to have them not run away from their household. Customers will appeal to trained dogs due to the fact that they will have a loving companion without having the worries of accidents. As for employment within this company, I believe 8 workers is the minimum due to the fact that the animal shelter will require trainers, groomers, keepers, supervisors, and pet sitters. These job applicants are required because each has a specific role when it comes having the trained dog on top condition while looking appealing
Although, there are some dog-owning employees who may benefit from bringing their pet to work; there are some that would not. Not everyone is able to be around animals. Allergies take a enormous toll on many people. I know that being around any animal that sheds fur can make allergies flare. Which in toll, will make employees miserable at the workplace.
After reading the two responses from the employees about the "Bring Your Dog to Work" program, I belive that bringing your dog to your workplace should not be acceptable. There are many issues regaurding this idea such as; employees may be allergic to dogs, not knowing how your dog will behave around others, and the amount of attention they will need. These issues can prevent future problems.
Another reason I believe dogs should be home instead of at the work place is the constant attention a dog needs whether it be food and water or to be brought outside. This is more time that an employee will not be working so even if that employee got more done in less time over the course of a day it probably amounts to the same amount of work a stressed employee would complete.
Everyday life can be stressful at times, wouldn’t it be nice to not have this stress? According to Brown, dogs can reduce stress for employees at their respective workplaces (Pets Reduce Stress
Passage one states the many benefits that bringing dogs to work can have, however this assumes that all employees are comfortable around dogs. This passage doesn't factor in the side of employees who are not comfortable being around dogs, or may be allergic to them. Although studies have proven that having dogs present reduces stress and increases job satisfaction, this may only be the case for some. A majority of Americans report to be allergic to dogs to some extent, from just a minor sniffle to an actual allergic reaction. This can cause issues in the work place and can overall decrease productivity and job satisfaction, along with introducing health risks in the work place, making it unsafe.
Dogs and other animals being allowed in the workplace has been a lingering issue in the workforce. I believe that bringing dogs/pets to work shouldn’t be allowed except in a few cases. Dogs can create a detrimental worke enviornment in many ways, and while working with pets may be beneficial for some people, on the whole those benefits don’t outweigh the detractors.
My first reason for supporting the idea of bringing your dog to work is it helps to reduce stress levels and it also helps to reduce anxiety. If an employee is stressed out at work he or she might not perform as well as they could if they werent stressed. Also dogs help provide comfort when the employee has anxiety and will help calm them down.
In today’s society kids complain to their parents saying how come we can’t take pets to school. Pets should be allowed in school because if a kid has a disability they will need some assistance in school like getting around to different classes.
I believe that the ability to bring your dog to work would in fact make a lot of employees happier and more satisfied at their specific job, but i don't think it's for the best in the long run.
Dogs in the workplace, is it a good addition that will help moral, or is it a bad distraction? I personally think that bringing a dog to work could help the moral and anxiety of the everyday work place, and make workers therefore even more happy and productive I'll explain my reasoning.