
Pet Work Discussion

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There are many pros and cons about bringing the your pet to work discussion. On one side many people believe benefits of pets in the office would create a less stressful workplace and give many the chance to work longer hours. Others believe that the possible allergenic properties, sanitary issues and probable lawsuits will be a nightmare for companies and owners alike. I would like to bring both arguments to the table and weigh them both out.

I think we can all agree that many workplaces can be stressful at times and having your pet there would certainly help ease tensions for the owner. Personally i think its a great idea for myself but would never expect an employer to allow me to do so. The possible advantages to that are not likely to outweigh the chances that …show more content…

There are certain times we all have the need to rush home to either let our pets out and feed them but I don"t think that my choosing to get a pet should require employers to pay for my choices. Once I recieved a free complimentary room at a casino and decided to leave my dog at home while leaving newspapers down for him. I returned the next day to find that he was so upset with me that he used the bathroom right in the middle of my bed. Problems like that happen with any pet and we can't have an office full of them.

That leads me to my next topic on sanitary issues. I'm certainly guilty of feeding my dog table scraps and in return he stares at me like I'm a steak while I eat anything, friends of mine let their pet jump in their laps and feed them like a baby. That being said can you imagine a workplace full of people with similar habits? I certainly can and I don't think I want to work there. Can you imagine the possible sanitary problems that could arise from such things? It doesn't sound like a very good idea for me to put others at risk from my dog and I would hope others feel the

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