
Dolly The Sheep Research Paper

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Cloning Dolly the sheep was the world's first mammal cloned from an adult cell. This instantly sparked controversy in the science community. Although the creators of this fuzzy friend had the intentions of manipulating a genetically young celled animal, Dolly had the older cells of an adult. When Dolly was 6 years old, she needed to be euthanized. Concerns were raised that lung disease was being caused by her older cells; she also had premature arthritis, which usually only shows up in sheep that are 11 or 12 years old. What if instead of animals we replaced Dolly with a human. Would this be the same issue? This then brings up the argument on whether clones are diminishing the uniqueness of an individual, not letting people develop socially, or if the …show more content…

An assistant professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech, Aaron D. Levine writes that, “although scientists are nearly unified in their opposition to cloning humans for reproductive purposes, on-going research toward other goals makes this likely, if not inevitable. For the most part, this research is driven by the hope that cloning technology will have significant health benefits, perhaps leading to transplantation therapies that use embryonic stem cells specifically tailored to individual patients” (Levine, 3). There has been the success with sheep, horses, cows, cats, and recently the first dog. Cloning comes with many positives for some people. For instance, “modern biology has developed a number of technologies—stem cells, genome editing, and more—that have largely drawn attention due to their potential use in medicine. But these techniques also

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