
Domestic Surveillance And Ethical Principles

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Domestic Surveillance and Ethical Principles
Why do we neglect any ethical principles? According to the basics of utilitarianism, human deeds focus on common welfare. When we turn into spy’s and follow our family members, we hope that it will work in favor of our family welfare and common utility. We can compare home spying with domestic surveillance to show how ethical principles work in this area. “As a matter of fact, domestic surveillance focuses on potential crime prevention. On the other hand, intelligence violates the principles of a personal freedom and breaks into a private territory of people surrounding us.” (Domestic Surveillance) We show our unethical behavior and violate the principles of respect and tolerance to other people. Our selfish motives may be destructive for people around us. Ethical egoism occurs when individual underlines that his own selfish interest is the most important for him. We pay attention for surveillance at home, when we want to compensate the lack of attention of our loved person to us. We want to find the root of evil and try to become real spies and find out something horrible and destructive as soon as possible to entertain ourselves. In such a way, we try to compensate our selfish interests. We think that if to follow our beloved ones or children, we will have a chance to know their real lives. Faraz states: “We do not think about their interest; we want to feel calmness and be sure in the coming day. This last motive is dominant

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