
Domestic Violence Against Immigrant And Refugee Women

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4. How can Canada protect and welcome refugees and newcomers? How can domestic violence against immigrant and refugee women be prevented? Some of the ways Canada can protect and welcome and protect refugees by; Making the status in Canada secure- This means that Canada should make permanent residency open to all including migrant workers. They should not restrict the Permanent Residency to only those coming for high wage jobs. There should be a legislation and enforcement to protect them effectively. The migrant workers should also be empowered so that they can access to information and different services useful to them and access to justice. Permanent Residency should also be opened to persons who have been trafficked. The law should provide adequate protection to all trafficked persons so that they apply temporary resident permits, Can make refugee claims and can file their application for humanitarian and compassionate consideration. Canada should have broad, inclusive and effective refugee resettlement program- The government should resettle a significant number of refugees specially persons who are most likely to be abused. They should resettle them without discrimination. Newcomers & refugees should have access to protection- Canada should create opportunities for refugees to reach Canada. They should also have a fair system without discrimination. Trafficked persons without permanent status should be provided effective protection specially women in situation of

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