
Arizona Domestic Violence Laws

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The United States has a long history of domestic violence. Nearly six million American women will be battered by their spouses every year (United Way, 1998). Tradition gives men the right to control their family including their wife. Violence is tolerated under these traditional conditions as discipline (Cohen, 1996). Domestic violence is overwhelmingly committed by men ".. to discipline and coerce women" (Cohen, 1996). "Husbands use violence against their wives as a way of coercing them, establishing control, and conveying rules to regulate 'proper' female behavior (Dobash & Dobash, 1977-1978)." This type of abusive behavior often comes from the ideology that women are subordinate to men (Cohen, 1996). This way of thinking …show more content…

A possible solution would be to pass bills that apply to same sex couples, but that is not likely to happen is Arizona any time soon. "A separate bill on the matter [of same sex couples] died without a hearing" (Wabnik, 1998). As Arizona domestic violence laws stand, same sex couples will continue to fall through the cracks.

Along with same sex couples, couples who live together but are not married fall through the same cracks in the laws. If a man and woman are living together but not married and abuse takes place the man is not liable under the current domestic violence laws (Wabnik, 1998). The laws also do not apply to men abusing their girlfriends; in these cases only assault laws apply. It is more difficult to get legal help like orders of protection or stiffer sentances for convictions when a charge falls under assault. Roberta Moore from the Oasis Center at the University of Arizona says that this causes a real problem for these women. If the act isn't classified as domestic violence then the victimized women can't receive the same help at the shelters, financial help for medical bills, or other kinds of aid that is offered to married women of such crimes from the state. However, there are some services that are accessable. These women are left with limited aid and much in the way of pain and suffering.

Another loophole in the law is the actual definition of domestic violence. Defense attorney Michael

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