Male-Female relationships are an issue that has been around as long as both men and women have been. In male-female relationships there are always problems with communication, miscommunication, domination and many more. During the course of this semester we read several plays in which we found some of these issues affecting relationships between the characters. In A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry and A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams , we found examples of male-female relationship problems. Domination and communication are issues that affect every male-female relationship and can create tension between both parties involved in said relationship. There’s no need to look too far back in history to see how male-female relationships have been affected by dominance and communication. During the 1800s, for example, the man was the one to make the decisions in the house. Of course the wife had her say, but the man had the last word. The man would be considered the dominant of both. Under the law, women weren’t really favored either. They were dependent of their husbands as it was his obligation under the law to provide for her. Nowadays things are very different from they were before. Since the civil rights movement during the 1960s, men and women are considered equals under the law and are protected equally as well. The whole issue of women being inferior has been diminishing. Women are able to get as good jobs as men do. They can work in similar work
After more than 200 years of living under the United States Constitution and despite all of the progress women have made, they still to this day continue to suffer discrimination in employment, insurance, health care, education, the criminal justice system, social security and pensions, and just about any other area you can name.
Many social changes have occurred over time that have allowed women to gain the same rights that men have had for many years. The Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries changed the work
Women have had a rough way to go for many years when it comes to equality. They face many negative things in today’s society and that is the way it has been for many years. History shows that women have been fighting for equality for decades, because many people believe they just can’t do the things that men can. There’s a website that has been helping women fight for that equality since 1966. That website is Before then women never really had any help. They had to rely on each other to show everyone what they could really do. Women have fought to try and end discrimination when it comes to jobs and economic justice. So the status of women throughout history has changed,
Although women now have many more rights and freedoms than what they used to, it didn’t simply happen over night. Throughout the course of history men have always had a superior role to women in our society. White Men could own land, earn a wage, get an education, and state their political ideas much before women ever could. Women have earned their way closer to being equivalent to men by fighting for a higher position in law, receiving education, and advancing to wage labor in the work force.
Women’s rights have improved drastically since that time but there still is a stigma that men are better than women. This type of view is wrong and shouldn’t even be thought about in the world we live into today. Woman server a great purpose in the world we live in and should be considered equal in all aspects of life. If one were to ponder this idea seriously we can see without out women no children are born. The sad truth is that women still have to fight for their rights in every aspect of their daily lives. The typical women in society makes only .70 cents for every dollar that a man would make doing the same job. One would think that one hundred and fifty years later women would be considered equal counterparts to men. “There has been progress toward greater workplace equality, but we still have a long ways to
Overtime, women slowly became respected and the equality of both genders were ever so slightly balancing out. After world war 2, and
Women have been treated very different from the beginning of time. Life before women's rights movements and activists was terrible. Women were discriminated against and looked down on in a very hurtful way. They could not even do the simple like vote or get a quality education because men believed that the only purpose women serve is to be a home body. It is hard for American women in today's society even believe what went on, better yet think that the ways of life back then are still present in some cultures. Slowly things have started to change and women have gotten more rights and overall life has changed drastically in some spots. In America things have changed for the better, however in the more poorer cultures they are at a standstill.
For centuries the concept of gender and equality have been issues and talking points. Attitudes toward women have gradually softened and changed for the better as they are viewed as being equal with men. Women throughout history have been referred to as housewives, and factory girls. They weren’t able to gain the respect from men until they took a stance against inequality, also known as women’s suffrage. “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand”, stated Susan B Anthony. Many factors have contributed to the rise of the status of women throughout the history of the United States. These factors include education, income status, and political contributions.
We have progressed a lot as a society. No longer are women stuck at home cooking and taking care of children. Now, more than ever, women have the same opportunities to achieve just as much men. There are no jobs that men do that women can’t. Women can vote, play
Women have always been portrayed as inferior to men, a myth that can be traced back to Christian theology during the 4th century. A 13th- century theologian, said that woman was "created to be man 's helpmeet, but her unique role is in conception . . . since for other purposes men would be better assisted by other men." (Women 1) Even during the 1960’s, the antiquated idea that a woman was inferior to a man was widely accepted. It wasn’t until approximately 40 years prior to the 1960’s that woman acquired freedom and mobility thanks to the automobile industry.
Equality between men and women has grown stronger, but in many ways, it is the same. We still live in a society where women are paid significantly less than men, women have less job opportunities,
There is still gender inequality today, but we have come so far within the last century. Women have gained the right to vote and to do whatever they want. We still have some way to go, but things change and they change fast. I can only imagine what the old fashioned men from a century ago would react if they were
Women everywhere in our culture were having similar experiences of unfair treatment because of being female, so they banded together to improve their social and professional status. Women created several support systems for each other, because they knew that the only way to bring about change was in numbers. The League of Women Voters set a precedent over 50 years ago as a successful organization made to ensure women the same voting rights as men. There are now such
Women have always taken a back seat to men in American society. There has always seemed to be one set of standards that apply to men, and another set of standards that apply to women. This is evident in the home, workplace, and all throughout society.
Throughout much of history, women have been viewed as inferior to men. In the 1800s and early 1900s, women were not allowed to hold the same jobs or