
Don Quixote, By Miguel De Cervantes Essay

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Don Quixote:

Don Quixote as written by Miguel de Cervantes is a fascinating story as it portrays fiction by subtly displaying it through realism. It is simultaneously a work of fiction and an analysis of fiction, or metafiction, meaning a fictional story revolving around a fictional story. The grand adventures and impossible things that happen are shown via the lens of a state of mind, rather than described as the actual events that are happening.
Miguel de Cervantes deflects culpability on his characters madness by implying that the writing itself has gone through other authors and editors before him, adding even more layers between himself and the story, while still allowing himself to critique his own characters and story at will. Cervantes writes this story as though it is history, and mentions in Chapter XV “The learned Cide Hamete Benengeli tells us that as soon as Don Quixote took his leave of his hosts and all the others who had been present at the burial of the shepherd Grisóstomo, he and his squire entered the same forest the shepherdess Marcela had entered”, implying that he is merely translating the manuscript of Cide Hamete Benengeli, and brings him up several times throughout the tale to reinforce this idea that this is a true telling of history.. This allows him to perpetuate the idea that the story of Don Quixote is truly history, and the fantastical adventures he faces are therefore bound by the rules of the real world and must be considered madness.

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