
Don T Blame The Eater Summary

Decent Essays

Argument in his Zinczenko's article “Don’t Blame the Eater” can shed light on Olsson’s “Up Against Wal-Mart.” In particular parents not teaching their kids how to cook, health insurance being too expensive, and corporate greed of and fast food industries can help us understand Olsson essay. Zinczenko explores the issue that parents are not teaching their kids how to cook, which contributes to his argument that America is unhealthy. Zinczenko clearly states “Without such warnings, we’ll see more sick, obese children and more angry, litigious parents” (Zinczenko 393). Through out his article he shows why children are becoming more and more obese it is because of fast foods appeal. It is cheap, affordable, and easily accessible for children to get. A child can simply walk just about anywhere and will see a Mcdonalds, or Taco Bell. It would not be bad if fast food was good for you but when each meal is an unreasonably large amount of calories then this is where the problem lies. In our very busy, and lazy society families have began to allow their kids to buy Mcdonalds every day, but then wonder why their kid has begun to gain a large amount of weight. …show more content…

Parents must work long hours and cannot be helped because a family must provide food on the table for their family. In jobs today they will force one to work over time and sometimes not even pay. Look at this example, “ Wal-Mart blames unpaid overtime on individual department managers, insisting that such practices violate company policy” ( Olsson 613). If parents did not have to work such long hours maybe their parents would have time to cook a homemade meal for their children instead of them going out to eat. By parents cooking for their kids the kid learns that that is the norm and will cook for their kids and for generations

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