
Donabedian Model

Decent Essays
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Bullet point format plan

-The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate a chosen counselling service.

-Briefly description of the counselling service, outlining its aims and objectives.

-Using Donabedians (1980) model, the essay will go on discussing and critically evaluating the structure, process and outcome of the service which will be backed up by relevant supporting evidence.

-Following a final conclusion the essay will end with a personal reflective analysis.

-Newton (2002) suggests that ‘it is important for counsellors to evaluate their work as an ongoing process through evaluation, in which the client participates, to understand where their interventions are appropriate or where a different approach may be more …show more content…

-According to Donabedian (1980), structure refers to the ‘physical, human and financial resources available’ within the service. This includes location, car parking facilities, disabled access, staff, etc.
-Process looks at how the service is being delivered, for example how referrals are carried out, client assessments, models of therapy used etc.
-Donabedian (1996) believed that the first step in the process of quality assurance is

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