Bullet point format plan
-The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate a chosen counselling service.
-Briefly description of the counselling service, outlining its aims and objectives.
-Using Donabedians (1980) model, the essay will go on discussing and critically evaluating the structure, process and outcome of the service which will be backed up by relevant supporting evidence.
-Following a final conclusion the essay will end with a personal reflective analysis.
-Newton (2002) suggests that ‘it is important for counsellors to evaluate their work as an ongoing process through evaluation, in which the client participates, to understand where their interventions are appropriate or where a different approach may be more
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-According to Donabedian (1980), structure refers to the ‘physical, human and financial resources available’ within the service. This includes location, car parking facilities, disabled access, staff, etc.
-Process looks at how the service is being delivered, for example how referrals are carried out, client assessments, models of therapy used etc.
-Donabedian (1996) believed that the first step in the process of quality assurance is
Modern day counselling is equipped with a wide variety of therapies, techniques and approaches. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two approaches of therapy. Also in this essay the views of the person and the Therapeutic process will be discussed. The two models that are going to be compared are Gerald Egan’s The Skilled Helper model and Steve De-Shazer’s Solution Focused Brief therapy (SFBT).
1.3 Explore how a range of factors, societal attitudes and beliefs impact on service provision
Discuss how current counselling and psychotherapy practice emerged from psychiatry and psychology. Use critical evaluation of theoretical evidence to support discussion points. 2, Analyse the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and counselling practices using evidence, aims and objectives relevant to practice and therapeutic need.
2. Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided (1.1.2)
Firstly it’s important to distinguish between using counselling skills and being a counsellor. From my own research I think the distinction revolves
Sanders, Frankland and Wilkins. (2009) Next Steps in Counselling Practice. 2nd Edition: Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books Ltd
By definition; counselling interventions and techniques can be described as a unique interrelationship between a client and a counsellor, with the sole aim to promote a change and growth and encourage a shift in behaviour towards fulfilling his or her human potential. (Feltham & Horton, 2006) It is the responsibility of the counsellor to contribute to the process of change during the counselling process, to enhance his or her client's personal development. The current essay will critically evaluate three counselling intervention / techniques and use this evaluation to reflect on the application of the humanistic theory in counselling practice and how they contribute to the effectiveness of the process.
Analyse Egan’s three stages of helping along with thee factors involved when ending the counselling contract.
The counselling process is based on the exchange of emotions between the client and the counsellor which aims to form an alliance (Hough, 1998). It involves the counsellor using skills in which they possess in order to communicate effectively with clients (Hough, 1998). This reflective essay clearly articulates my application of counselling skills used in this practice session and suggestions for improvement. It will provide a summary of the session, identification of a range of skills used and a brief explanation of the reasons for using the skill. It will also provide an evaluation of my application of the skills chosen, including verbatim examples, suggestions for improvement, also including verbatim examples to demonstrate what could
All counselors have the ability to bring new perspectives and research into the field. It is an expectation that new counselors will continue to improve mental health counseling. “Some emergent theories were developed for specific purposes. For example, motiva-tional interviewing is an approach designed to work with individuals struggling with chem-ical dependency. Brief and solution- focused counseling provides a framework for working in a time- limited, perhaps managed care, counseling environment” (Erford, 2010). I would first review the data behind a new theory. Careful review of a theory would allow me to understand its purpose in my practice. I would also ensure that the new theory would benefit my client without creating further distress in his or her life. My goal would be to keep my client informed and involved in their therapy. While new theories are important a counselor has to closely evaluate the effectiveness of that theory.
In this reflective essay I will provide an analysis of the counselling session I conducted and recorded. This will include a summary of the session. I will also describe the micro and advanced counselling skills utalised, as well as a critical evaluation of their effectiveness. A discussion of my application of these skills, as well as areas of possible improvement will supported by reference to relevant literature.
This essay will attempt to highlight and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the three main theories of counselling within the module covered this term. The three approaches in discussion are psychodynamics, cognitive behavioural and humanistic.
To be able to help a client to access their deepest thoughts and open up for discussion that is both helpful and meaningful, there are several specific microskills to know about to enhance the communication with the client (Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors, 2009). These communication skills are built through different stages and may feel a little unnatural at the beginning. However, counselling is not about giving advice, but about supporting and helping the client to find his/her own solutions. This makes counselling challenging on many levels as you need to be aware of your own behaviour (Perinatal Mental Health Project, n.d.).
By discussing this particular experience in detail, I can begin to understand the specific skills a counsellor may use in many different situations in order to help others (Egan, 2007, p. 13). In this reflective
Counselling session can facilitate the process of overcoming or working through personal issues from everyday hardship as well as potentially life threatening situations. This reflective essay will analyse a counselling session that I have attended with a professional counsellor. Her name was Hend. The session was to be recorded so I can refer to particular examples during the session. In this reflective essay I will give an overview of the counselling session as well as a discussion of my feelings before, during and after the session. Key skills used by the counsellor such as active listening, reflective skills and empathy will be explained, supported with verbatim examples from the session. Furthermore, the overall experiences and