
Donald Trump : Latino Immigrants In The Media

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Donald Trump connects Latino immigrants with criminal acts and violence and because of this racial bias and the way Donald Trump is meddling with the image of Latino people it’s incredibly damaging. Latinos only represent 5.8 percent of the speaking roles in the media, this does include non-latinos playing the role a Latino should be playing. Which for some reason, Hollywood loves to give white folk the roles of people of color to play in movies. Even when actual roles are given to Latino’s they act most commonly as the stereotypes they’re associated with. Primarily as criminals, law enforcers, and cheap labor, nothing more than “immigrants” with the vocabulary of a grade schooler. Covered in thick accents or slang, who break the law and cause trouble. In a predominantly white society, it has been recorded to be true that programs and movies featuring compelling Latino talent and storylines are rewarded with high ratings and revenue. So why are Latinos not in movies more often as, lead actors and strong characters? This is a matter of wanting to cast and make profit from Latinos without giving them the title, nor the the proper portrayal. To add to that, our current president is adding fuel to the fire, he tells his followers that he’s going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Trump loves to make minority groups the main topic of his speeches to the public. When the president is blatantly racist, I believe that we should rethink our morals and ethics as a society,

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