
Double Displacement Reaction Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

!!!What is a Double Displacement Reaction?

Let us imagine ourselves going to a dance and having a dance partner. Once we arrive to the dance, we interact with other people and we end up switching dance partners with another person. Now you end up with a new dance partner. The same kind of thing can be compared to what occurs in a double displacement reaction in chemistry.

A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement reaction__ or __metathesis__ is a type of chemical reaction where two compounds react, and the ''positive ions'' (''cation'') and the ''negative ions'' (''anion'') of the two reactants switch places, forming two new compounds or products. The general form of a double displacement reaction is illustrated …show more content…

The result is water and a salt. A __salt__ is an ionic compound, which is the result of a combination between a cation and an anion.

*__Example__: Reaction between NaOH (base) and HCl (acid)

The precipitate formed is AgCl, as indicated by the subscript (s). The resulting reaction is already balanced, so there is no need to add coefficients.

[{Image src='neutralization_reaction.png' alt='Neutralization Reaction'}]

The salt formed is NaCl. Water, H2O, has a subscript of (l), which indicates that it is in the ''liquid phase''. The resulting reaction is already balanced, so there is no need to add coefficients.

!!Gas Formation Reaction

A __gas formation reaction__ occurs when one of the products is in a gaseous state. This will be indicated by a product that has a subscript of (g), which stands for gas. The initial product will actually be in the aqueous state (aq), but this will ''break down'' because it is unstable. This breakdown results in a gas. The usual aqueous compounds that break down to form gaseous compounds are:

[{Image src='unstablecompounds.png' alt='Unstable …show more content…

However, as we mentioned above, H2SO3 is unstable and further decomposes to H2O and SO2. The gas formed is SO2.

!!!Lesson Summary

A __double displacement reaction__, also known as a __double replacement reaction__ or __metathesis reaction__ is a type of reaction that occurs when the cations and anions switch between two reactants to form new products. When predicting products in a double displacement reaction, we need to identify the different ions first and their charges. After that, we switch the ions of the two reactants and write down the products. The final step is to make sure that your chemical equation is balanced.

There are three types of reactions that fall under the double displacement reaction category: precipitation, gas formation and neutralization reactions. A __precipitation reaction__ forms an insoluble solid compound. A __neutralization reaction__ occurs between an acid and a base that forms a salt and water. A __gas formation__ reaction is when two compounds react to form a gaseous

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