
Double Power Principle Analysis

Good Essays

In “God, the Devil, and Matt Murdock”, Tom Morris introduces the “Double Power Principle”. According to Morris, the “Double Power Principle” is the concept that when something is able to produce positive results, it will also have the potential to produce negative results. Morris portrays the principle as “people [who] strongly denounce...institutionalized religion… because [it] can potentially be a source of great source in human life. But the fact that something can be a source of great harm…[it] can be a source of great good as well” (47). In this example, Morris points out that even though there may be negative effects in practicing religion, there are still positive results that come out of the practice. It is up to the person to decide whether they want to use the power for good or for evil. Therefore, the “Double Power Principle” is a figure’s use of a power in either a productive way or a harmful way.
Morris relates the “Double Power Principle” to the Daredevil, …show more content…

In X-Men, mutants are born with many genetic alterations that gives them inhuman powers. Housel suggests that “these mutants can do great good for their fellow human beings, or can inflict terrible harm” (76). This idea is very similar to the “Double Power Principle”, as mentioned by Morris. With these mutants capable of extraordinary powers, they face the decision to either use their special abilities to help the world or to destroy it. Likewise, Matt Murdock needs to deal with religion to make decisions of righteousness, which could result in both good and bad results. Because Murdock is human, like Batman, he does not have any powers compared to the mutants. However, according to this principle, both religion and the power of the mutants give the superheroes a choice of good or evil. Therefore, the “Double Power Principle” affects mutants and their powers as

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