In my opinion, the walkout that occurred all over the nation is a strong message however it accomplished nothing. I participated in the walk-out and nobody took it seriously. I saw several people in fact, making jokes about the events that happened at Douglas high school. The entire event is also supposed to be a protest however, nobody stopped us and instead encouraged us to participate. Personally, I think this weakens the message that is trying to be portrayed because there was no risk in protesting against gun laws. In order for a protest to have a powerful message, it must have rules that are broken. No rules were broken during the walk-out which felt like a waste of time because in the back of my mind I knew nothing was getting accomplished.
On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 I chose to participate in a school activity. The activity I chose to participate in was about the Douglas shooting. Seventeen Lives were lost on February 14,2018. So I did a walkout March 14, 2018 to demonstrate that I am standing with Douglas high school. The walkout was not a protest, but it was a demonstration. Everyone who decided to walkout, and I demonstrated that we are stronger as a whole. We must stay united for the Seventeen innocent lives that were lost. We also all demonstrated that we want a safe school without gun violence or any violence. This is why most people participated in this walkout. One thing that is really important that I have heard before is, “ Guns don't kill people, because people kill
Eligibility: If new teachers are denied eligibility, they are encouraged to speak with the Coordinator of Mentor and Induction for New Teachers. At that meeting, the new teacher will be informed of the criteria that must be met in order to participate in induction. The new teacher must possess or have applied for a general education credential (SB 2042 or its equivalent) and receive the credential within the first sixty days of the school year. After that time, the teacher will be asked to wait until the following year for induction.
Protests are a way that many citizens have historically exercised their right to freedom of speech and as to voice their opinions on current matters in the U.S. as well as other nations. Protests help the uninformed get informed on specific issues, and try to persuade fellow citizens. What were some of the effective aspects of the protests that were portrayed in “The Matrix”, “Battle in Seattle” as well as those in “The Letter from Birmingham Jail”? What were the downfalls? An effective protest is one where an advocated idea gets across to the intended audience. Peaceful protests tend to have a better outcome than those that lead to violence.
Walkouts were intended to solve the many injustices within the East L.A. Schools. Though they did not accomplish that goal, they brought about minor improvements with a compromise. The School board had given into the student's needs at a Board of Education meeting, but due to a supposed lack of funds, they followed through with few of the demands and the results were unremarkable. The students accepted this ineffective compromise due to the increasing importance of the trial of the East. L.A. Thirteen, who were arrested unjustly. The students gained minor improvements in their schools and their issues were revealed to the rest of America. The school district gained a pacified student body, and with the end of the walkouts they received their usual pay. Neither party gained or lost a significant amount in the compromise, and most of the issues in the East L.A. Schools were never
Secondly as a government and as those in power there should be better ways to deal with a problem then having to resort to violence. When a problem is not dealt with correctly as in the cases of this protest. Then this civil disobedience does us no good. It separates us as a country and pits the government vs. its people. This is not the way our forefathers intended it to be. Civil disobedience was created and by definition is supposed to be a civil way to go against the law peacefully. Ultimately the problem with civil disobedience is that it falls between the categories of legal protests and forcible, revolutionary resistance. It's a lot like dealing with babies. Sometimes the only way a baby (the people protesting) can communicate what it wants is by kicking, screaming, and crying. In this process however, the adult (the government) gets upset and yells and disciplines the child unnecessarily when all the child was trying to do is communicate that it wanted something else. It boils down to communication and until the correct form of communication between the government and the people is found civil disobedience won't be
On May 1st, I attended the Labor Day/Anti Trump march. I arrived at McArthur Park at about 9:30am. The protest was supposed to start at 11:00am but it was delayed about an hour and a half. There were several labor unions, but the majoroty of people were speaking out against Trump and his administration. We marched down to Grand Park. It was a long walk, but there was music and chanting, which helped. My friend and I walked back as soon as we got to Grand Park. It was great being able to see that there are more people who are aware of what's going in out government and that they want to do something to change
This event was well planned over a period of many weeks, and was even discussed with the local police department. This specific group of protestors had many signs expressing their opinions toward the war in Iraq and the passionate act eventually lead to the arresting of over 40 protestors on the misdemeanor charge of Demonstrating without a permit. This modern example was a good model for one of the main reasons why Peaceful resistance is so effective. Even though the people fighting for change remain civil and nonviolent they are still willing to face the consequences for challenging a supreme authority. Although there are many positive outcomes that come from the practice of Civil Disobedience, there can also be a great number of negative effects. When a ruling is overturned or a goal is finally reached there is often a period of healing that has to take place, people don’t want to change, and it takes time for something new to become truly accepted. The idea of struggling for change should not be romanticized or taken lightly. Millions of people have died peacefully battling for a new beginning or the freedom to be who they
Protests are still an essential part of America’s democracy today. Though times have changed a lot America still has many social issues. Most of these issues have to do with minorities. People are starting to realize how unfairly they are being treated and they want to do something about it. One of the more recent large protests was the women’s march that was held the day before Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony. These women followed in the footsteps of the women in 1913 who were marching for their right to vote, civil rights, and economic equality. The large march widley known as the women’s march that was held January 21, 2017 was not only to bring awareness to issues such as gender inequality but it called for protection for immigrants,
Active protest is a proven productive way to create change. There is no doubt that words and ideas have power, more power than any weapon could ever possess. And historically, some have gone further to break laws in the face of injsutice. America is plagued by systemic issues. But the consitition remains the hallmark of the free world because it grants citizens the tools necessary for change. In the face of clear tyranny, people should be disobedient to create progress. But at the same time, we should try to work within law as much as we can.
Congress has always been divided by this subject of gun reform. There have been many gun reform bills lobbied for but not a single one has passed. Many of these students see this as a refusal of the government to listen to what they want as the people. During this march the protesters denounced the NRA and denounced similar organizations, believing that these organizations corrupt public servants. By denouncing
Although the protestors are using their 1st Amendment right, it is being extremely exaggerated. Dendy Heisel thinks that “if we have a problem with a leader’s actions or policies, we should be able to walk around with a sign or chanting, or both, to express out disapproval or our viewpoint.” She also states that, “I think that there are often more effective ways to achieve political change than a march.” Some other ways to show disapproval in a problem relating to the government could be by writing a letter to your state representative to be considered. Dendy states, “I think that protesters misunderstand the extent of the First Amendment right to free speech if they think they are entitled to destroy public or private property or endanger the safety and welfare of citizens.” This shows that the first amendment doesn’t say that you can destroy private property and put hundreds of lives in danger to prove your point. In most liberal media, I have noticed people are saying that Madonna’s statement was not a “threat of violence,” but threatening to build a wall is? According to, the women in the marches are fighting for “freedom from sexual violence,” “accountability and justice for police brutality” including about 50 more demands (4). This means that they want men to “control themselves” and to not allow rape, which hasn’t been allowed for about a decade. The
So in the end, is protesting really worth it? When you spend hundreds of hours and huge amounts of man-power to plan, set up, and execute protests, only to get minuscule results, it no longer becomes worth it. Even though there will be a nonviolent protest that has a large affect on law, government, and society, they are the minority. So, I advise people to not take part in protests, no matter what the reason. If you want change, go and talk to someone who can cause
Protesting has always been involved in the history of America since the founding of this country. America was founded on a protest based solely on the unfair and unjust laws and taxes that Britain forced onto the colonists in the 1700's. However, not all protests end up being peaceful. There are peaceful protests, and there are forceful protests. In my opinion, peaceful protests have a more positive influences a free society. If there are peaceful protest being displayed on news channels or social media, there is a higher chance of that peaceful protest influencing the society in positive ways. More people are going to react to peaceful protesting in positive ways rather than responding by getting hateful and angry. Of course, not everyone reacts positively towards protesting; there
The streets of Washington, DC have been flooded with neon signs demanding a change regarding stricter gun laws. Holding those signs are brave students and their families who have traveled far to bring awareness to school massacres. One would think that everyone would be in agreeance with these students, but that is far from the truth. These millennials are fighting for change, because there must be stricter gun laws. We all need to march in support with these students, because it will be the students that will pay the price regarding school shootings.
Walkout represents the year of 1968 when it was significant for political activism. Many international events occurred during this decade that involved students protesting for their rights and beliefs. Edward Olmos (2006), the director of the Walkout, illustrated considerable evidences of inequality of education among non - Whites students, especially with the Hispanic learners. The film took place in East Los Angeles, California, where five different high schools were involved in the protesting. Among one of the schools was Lincoln high school were the students were challenged to advocate and implement the main issue concerning with the discrimination towards the Hispanic