
Douglas Macarthur: Have You Ever Wanted To Be A General

Satisfactory Essays

Douglas MacArthur Have you ever wanted to be a general? If so you should learn about Douglas MacArthur. Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26, 1880 in Little Rock Arkansas. During his life he would grow up to be one of the best Generals in the U. S. Army. He took part in at least 4 major wars and he was once the highest ranked General in the army. General MacArthur died on April 5,1964 at while he was 84 years old. Did you know that he was once governing the defeated Japanese and ultimately commanded all U. S. forces in Asia. In his childhood he was always moving because of his dad’s work. Douglas did not like this. School was normal for Douglas except for the constant change of schools. Douglas was a straight

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